* = Mandatory fields


Comply with the work requested as well as the legislation and safety standards in force, Be in good conditions, clean inside and outside, odourless, Have a clean, dry and without holes floor, a waterproof side wall covering completely the floor, Be equipped with a communication system and therefore able to be contacted at any time

Meet the usual conditions of experience, prudence and commercial discretion, Be respectful and show proper behaviour in all circumstances, Wear proper and safe clothes, specially in case of transport subject to specific regulations, Be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) against all hazards and risks in the workplace, Comply with the rules in force at the loading and delivery sites, as well as the existing protocols on access and safety, decree providing for the enforcement of the law dated of the 26/04/96, Carry out the services requested in the strict compliance with the social regulations (work time, driving time, rest time, etc) and road regulation (speed, overload, etc) Art.9 of Law 82-1153 dated of the 30/12/82, Comply with incompatibility as regards to the goods and to the load stability, Legal signs (labels, danger plates, etc) have the compulsory equipment with him in case of transport subject to special regulation, Examine the handling operations as regards to quantity and quality, strap the goods if necessary, request restoration, and refuse to load if it seems to be any risk or anomaly, Express reserves with the reasons in case of a visible defect of the loads and have the comments signed by the loading responsible person correctly written, Inform immediately his company or MARSY in case of modification as regards to the original order.

Give this chart quality specification to the drivers concerned, Give complete security equipment as regards to the work requested i.e.: security shoes, yellow jacket. Make sure that the information transmitted by email on our CHARTERING CONFIRMATION is correct, and your cost are at least covered, Comply with the quality standards and information provided by MARSY, Put the Art.12 Decree 99-752 of the 30/08/99 documents aboard all vehicles, Send us the transport documents after each operation, confirm reservations on the day of delivery or on the following day, Remaining contact with MARSY throughout the entire transport period, Re-chartering is absolutely forbidden, transhipment is not allowed without prior MARSY's agreement

By accepting this confirmation charter, or by returning the signed document or through a tacit acceptance in order to confirm this instruction of transport execution, the chartered company agrees to be informed that it performs a benefit for the account of MARSY certificated AEO , and undertakes in this context to ensure that the shipper's premises, vehicles and all places of handling goods, its information system and its personnel are sufficiently secure and reliable in terms of security, in connection with the nature and sensitivity of the goods taken in charge. The charter commits to take the same measures vis-à-vis any subcontractors.